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This college rankings article kicks off our new series on affordable master’s degrees in various topics. Here we cover Master’s in Marketing and closely-related topics.
Careers in Marketing and Related Fields
Below, we’ve compiled a partial list of marketing-related occupations, as well as sectors/ industries/ organizations that have shown the need for graduates of a master’s degree in marketing or closely related topics. The list aggregates roles, industries and organizations specifically mentioned on the Web sites of the 25 colleges ranked in this article for low-cost master’s degrees in these topics. Some of the occupations below may require additional studies, including special certificates, professional certification, or in some cases a doctoral degree.
- account executive
- accountant
- accounting
- advertising executive
- advertising manager
- brand manager
- business administration
- business development executive
- business launch
- business strategies
- channel manager
- communications/pr
- community marketing manager
- consulting
- database marketing manager
- direct marketing manager
- domestic and foreign corporations
- economics
- educator
- entrepreneur
- executive-level positions (public or private organizations)
- export and import banks
- finance
- financial institutions
- government – state department and other agencies
- health management
- international business
- international marketing executive
- international trade firms
- international transportation, travel and hospitality
- Internet marketing director
- Internet marketing manager
- logistics
- management consulting
- manufacturer’s representative
- market research analyst
- market research executive
- marketing director
- marketing executive
- marketing manager (b-to-b or consumer)
- marketing professional
- marketing research and e-marketing
- marketing strategist
- multinational service firms
- news and information services
- nonprofit organizations
- product marketing manager
- product/brand manager
- promotions manager
- public education systems, colleges and universities
- public relations executive
- retail manager
- sales and marketing management
- sales professional
- senior administration
- strategic planning
- technology
- web marketing/search engine marketing
Data on job growth for the 2014-2024 period for some of the above or related careers are profiled in the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH). See the list below for some marketing-related occupations that are profiled. Also, clicking on the “Similar Occupations” tab at far right on each bls.gov Web page will show additional related occupations.
- Market Research Analysts: 19%
- Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers: 9%
- Sales Managers: 5%
Summary of Colleges Ranked in this List
Before we get into the Master’s Marketing affordability ranking list, here is a statistical overview of the 25 schools ranked in this article.
Master’s in Marketing Overview
Here is an overview of information on candidates for this college ranking list, as well as some of the steps we applied to produce the top 25 most affordable master’s degrees in marketing.
- 241 colleges that offer master’s degrees which include some component of Marketing topics
- NCES topic categories included in our query:
- Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
- Marketing Research
- Marketing, Other
- Marketing/Marketing Management, General
- General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, Other
- Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations, General
- Data filters applied:
- Remove schools in Puerto Rico, Guam and other protectorates
- Remove schools which have no recorded graduate tuition (in NCES.ed.gov database)
- Remove schools with missing enrollment data
- Sort by increasing out-of-state graduate tuition
- 72 colleges with distance programs in Master’s Marketing reported
Overview of Ranked Schools
- Master’s degree affordability based on yearly out-of-state graduate tuition
- Types of degrees covered: MA, MBA, MS, MSM (MS Management)
- Other statistics further below
Interactive Bar Chart: Out-of-State vs In-State Graduate Tuition
Rank-Order Listing of Schools Covered
Scroll through this list to see schools in order of increasing rank. E.g., by increasing out-of-state tuition.
rank | abbrev | NCES name |
1 | Regent | Regent University |
2 | WTAMU | West Texas A & M University |
3 | CSU | Columbia Southern University |
4 | Post | Post University |
5 | WilmU | Wilmington University |
6 | UMD | University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth |
7 | SLU | Saint Leo University |
8 | GCU | Grand Canyon University |
9 | Rivier | Rivier University |
10 | Drake | Drake University |
11 | Aquinas | Aquinas College |
12 | CUW | Concordia University-Wisconsin |
13 | PSU | Plymouth State University |
14 | UT | University of Tampa |
15 | AMC | Anna Maria College |
16 | TAMUC | Texas A & M University-Commerce |
17 | USM | University of Saint Mary |
18 | SAU | Southern Adventist University |
19 | Xavier | Xavier University |
20 | ORU | Oral Roberts University |
21 | Valpo | Valparaiso University |
22 | US | University of Scranton |
23 | WU | Walsh University |
24 | UMUC | University of Maryland-University College |
25 | Walden | Walden University |
Alphabetic List of Schools Covered in this Ranking
The abbreviations used in the table below (and the rest of this article) are convenience and, as such, may not be official abbreviations. Scroll through the list to see all ranked colleges.
NCES Name (abbrev, estdate, rank) | location | $in-state | $out-of-state |
Anna Maria College (AMC, 1946, 15) | Paxton, Massachusetts | $10,530 | $10,530 |
Aquinas College (Aquinas, 1886, 11) | Grand Rapids, Michigan | $9,864 | $9,864 |
Columbia Southern University (CSU, 1993, 3) | Orange Beach, Alabama | $4,950 | $4,950 |
Concordia University-Wisconsin (CUW, 1881, 12) | Mequon, Wisconsin | $9,864 | $9,864 |
Drake University (Drake, 1881, 10) | Des Moines, Iowa | $9,720 | $9,720 |
Grand Canyon University (GCU, 1949, 8) | Phoenix, Arizona | $9,284 | $9,284 |
Oral Roberts University (ORU, 1965, 20) | Tulsa, Oklahoma | $10,926 | $10,926 |
Plymouth State University (PSU, 1871, 13) | Plymouth, New Hampshire | $8,928 | $10,278 |
Post University (Post, 1890, 4) | Waterbury, Connecticut | $7,500 | $7,500 |
Regent University (Regent, 1977, 1) | Virginia Beach, Virginia | $667 | $667 |
Rivier University (Rivier, 1933, 9) | Nashua, New Hampshire | $9,342 | $9,342 |
Saint Leo University (SLU, 1889, 7) | Saint Leo, Florida | $8,730 | $8,730 |
Southern Adventist University (SAU, 1892, 18) | Collegedale, Tennessee | $10,800 | $10,800 |
Texas A & M University-Commerce (TAMUC, 1889, 16) | Commerce, Texas | $3,630 | $10,650 |
University of Maryland-University College (UMUC, 1947, 24) | Adelphi, Maryland | $8,244 | $11,862 |
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth (UMD, 1895, 6) | North Dartmouth, Massachusetts | $2,071 | $8,099 |
University of Saint Mary (USM, 1923, 17) | Leavenworth, Kansas | $10,710 | $10,710 |
University of Scranton (US, 1888, 22) | Scranton, Pennsylvania | $11,112 | $11,112 |
University of Tampa (UT, 1931, 14) | Tampa, Florida | $10,314 | $10,314 |
Valparaiso University (Valpo, 1859, 21) | Valparaiso, Indiana | $11,070 | $11,070 |
Walden University (Walden, 1970, 25) | Minneapolis, Minnesota | $11,895 | $11,895 |
Walsh University (WU, 1960, 23) | North Canton, Ohio | $11,610 | $11,610 |
West Texas A & M University (WTAMU, 1910, 2) | Canyon, Texas | $4,292 | $4,852 |
Wilmington University (WilmU, 1968, 5) | New Castle, Delaware | $7,992 | $7,992 |
Xavier University (Xavier, 1831, 19) | Cincinnati, Ohio | $10,908 | $10,908 |
Circular “Circos” Non-Interactive Chart: Multiple Data Points
This chart may appear intimidating at first, but it can be a very handy tool for comparing all the ranked colleges simultaneously, and is not that difficult to understand. See the “Tips for Use” box below for details.
Tips for use: | |
Map for schools covered
Note: the following Google Map is auto-generated from addresses listed in the NCES database for the schools referenced below and may not be 100% accurate. As well, the map may not render correctly in some Web browsers due to security issues. (Simply click on the map’s “view larger” icon at top right to be taken to the Google Maps page — which should work properly in all modern browsers.) We apologize for any inconvenience.
- As college accreditation can change or only be valid regionally, please verify accreditation of any college to which you are planning to apply.
- NCES data is subject to change and this ranking list uses the most recently reported data at time of writing.
- The Areavibes cost of living score is from Areavibes.com and represents the city/ town of the college in question. It is independent of each college’s on-campus housing costs.
Rankings: Most Affordable Master’s Degrees in Marketing
25: Walden University
Walden University is a private, for-profit/ PBC (Public Benefit Corporation) established in 1970 and located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was founded by two teachers from New York, Bernie and Rita Turner.
Walden offers certificates and degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) in 10 areas of study at all levels. For master’s level Marketing programs, Walden offers: MS Marketing; MBA with Marketing Specialization (one of 11 available). The MS Marketing program requires 30 credits, of which 27 are towards curriculum marketing courses and three are towards a Capstone. Completion of the MS program includes an embedded grad certificate in Digital Marketing. The overall program prepares graduates for the Google AdWords and Analytics professional certification exams. The MBA Marketing program requires 36 credits, with 24 towards foundation/ core courses; nine towards the specialization; and three for the Capstone. Both programs are available online. Credit for up to four courses from the MS program may be eligible towards Walden’s DBA (Doctor of Business Administration), and up to two courses towards the PhD Management. Semesters are 16 weeks each, which entails two consecutive 8-week courses. Sample courses: Integrated Marketing in the Digital Age; Digital Marketing; Relationship Marketing; Communicating Using Social and Digital Media; Market Research and Consumer Insights; Marketing Communications, Storytelling, and Persuasion; Design Thinking: Strategy and the Creative Process; Brand and Product Management; Optimizing Marketing Performance; From Marketing Strategy to Execution.
24: University of Maryland-University College
University of Maryland University College (UMUC) is a public university established in 1947 and located in Adelphi, Maryland, about nine miles approximately northeast of Washington, DC. It is part of the University System of Maryland and has multiple locations besides Adelphi.
UMUC offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across two schools: Undergraduate School; Graduate School. Collectively, they offer over 90 online degrees, certificates and specializations. For master’s level Marketing programs, UMUC offers: MS Management with Marketing Specialization (one of 20 available); MS Management with Interdisciplinary Studies in Management (ISM) Specialization. The MSM-ISM has less Marketing course requirements than the MSM-MKT, but is suitable for a student interested in Marketing and another focus area.The core MSM program is available online, including Marketing Specialization courses. Contact school for credit requirements. Sample courses: Marketing Principles, Regulation, and Ethical Issues; Marketing Management; Legal and Ethical Issues in Global Communications; Consumer Behavior; Brand Management; Marketing Intelligence and Research Systems; International Marketing Management; Integrated Direct Marketing..
23: Walsh University
Walsh University is a established in 1960 and located in North Canton, Ohio, about six miles roughly north-northwest of Canton, OH. It was originally founded as Walsh College by the Brothers of Christian Instruction and is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.
WU offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across six schools and divisions: Byers School of Nursing; DeVille School of Business; School of Arts and Sciences; Division of Education; Division of Health Sciences; Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Collectively, these divisions offer 65+ undergrad majors and seven grad programs (master’s, doctoral).. For master’s level Marketing programs, WU offers: MBA Marketing. The MBA Marketing program requires 36 credits in total, with 18 credits for core courses (6) and the remainder for Marketing-centric courses. This includes 12 credits for speciality courses (4), three credits for an elective course (choose from three), and three credits for the program Capstone. This program (core and concentration) is also available as an online degree. Minimum timeframe for completion is 12 months. Marketing; Marketing Research; Integrated Marketing Communications; Social Media Marketing; Services Marketing.
22: University of Scranton
University of Scranton is a established in 1888 and located in Scranton, Pennsylvania, about 20 miles roughly northeast of Wilkes-Barre, PA. It was founded by as St. Thomas College by the first Bishop of Scranton.
US offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across three colleges: College of Arts and Sciences; Kania School of Management; Panuska College of Professional Studies. Collectively, they offer: 66 undergrad majors, 38 concentrations and 44 minors; 26 master’s programs and one doctorate. For master’s level Marketing programs, US offers: MBA Management with Marketing Specialization (one of seven available). The MBA program requires 36 credits that cover core courses, advanced electives, one cornerstone and one capstone course – each three credits. Core courses (4-7) cover 12-21 credits; advanced electives: 9-18 credits (3-6 courses). The core MBA program is available both on-campus and online; however, the Marketing specialization is not online. The MBA can be combined with select BS programs for a dual degree. Sample courses: Marketing Management; Marketing Research; Promotion Management: Advertising and Selling; Global Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Sustainable Strategic Marketing.
21: Valparaiso University
Valparaiso University is a established in 1859 and located in Valparaiso, Indiana, about 20 miles roughly southeast of Gary, IN.. It was originally founded as Valparaiso Male and Female College.
Valpo offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across seven colleges and schools: College of Arts and Sciences; College of Business; College of Engineering; College of Nursing & Health Professions; Christ College – The Honors College; Graduate School; Law School. For master’s level Marketing programs, Valpo offers: MBA with Marketing Concentration (one of eight available); grad certificate in Marketing (four courses). The core MBA program requires 36 credits, with 24 for core courses and 12 for concentrations. The grad certificate requires the same 12 credits as the Marketing Concentration, but can be taken independently of an MBA program. Valpo offers the choice of a fulltime Global MBA with daytime classes and one start date per year (Aug), or the Part-time Professional MBA with six start dates per year. Sample courses: Brand Management; Digital Marketing; Social Media Marketing.
20: Oral Roberts University
Oral Roberts University is a established in 1965 and located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, about 107 miles roughly northeast of Oklahoma City, OK. It was founded by late evangelist Oral Roberts.
ORU offers certificates and degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across six colleges: College of Arts and Cultural Studies; College of Business; College of Education; College of Nursing; College of Science and Engineering; College of Theology and Ministry. Graduate schools within the above colleges:Graduate School of Business; Graduate School of Education; Graduate School of Theology and Ministry. Collectively, these colleges offer 65+ undegrad majors and 14 grad programs.. For master’s level Marketing programs, ORU offers: MBA with Marketing Concentration (one of seven available). The ORU MBA program focuses “on the quantitative side of business.” Graduates of the program will be prepared for “managerial or executive positions” in companies and organizations, including for-profit, nonprofit and government agencies. Contact school for more program details. Sample courses: Marketing Management; Management in a Globalized Era; Competitive Business Intelligence; Business Analytics.
19: Xavier University
Xavier University is a established in 1831 and located in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was originally founded as The Athenaeum and is affiliated with the Catholic Church (Jesuit).
Xavier offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across three colleges: Williams College of Business; College of Arts and Sciences; College of Professional Sciences.. For master’s level Marketing programs, Xavier offers: MBA with Marketing Concentration (one of seven available). The MBA program requires between 39 and 47 credits. The former is for the basic MBA with a General Business Concentration and no Foundation Skills. (Non-business students may need to take two courses (six credits) in Foundation Skills: financial accounting and business statistics.) The latter is for other concentrations, including Marketing, and Foundation Skills courses. Electives can take a minimum of nine credits, or can be filled with a concentration such as Marketing. Note: some MBA core courses may be available online. Marketing Strategy; Marketing Research; Entrepreneurial Marketing; Multinational Marketing; Integrated Marketing Communications; Service Marketing; Consumer-Centric Category Management; Strategy and Tactics of B to B Pricing; International Sales and Negotiations; New Product Planning and Development; Ethical Issues in Marketing.
18: Southern Adventist University
Southern Adventist University (SAU) is a 4-year, private, non-profit university based in Collegedale, Tennessee, about 19 miles roughly east of Chattanooga, TN. It was founded in 1892 as Graysville Academy, in Graysville, TN – relocating to Collegedale in 1916. It is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventists.
SAU offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across 19 schools and departments: Allied Health; Biology; Business; Chemistry; Computing; Education and Psychology; English; History and Political Studies; Journalism and Communication; Mathematics; Modern Languages; Music; Nursing; P.E., Health and Wellness; Physics and Engineering; Religion; Social Work; Technology; Visual Art and Design. Collectively, they offer 20+ academic undergrad majors, and eight topic areas for grad studies.. For master’s level Marketing programs, SAU offers: MBA with Marketing Management Emphasis or Customized Emphasis (two of six emphasis options). Students have some dual-degree options as well, including MBA/ MSN (Nursing).. This program requires 36 credits (12 courses), with 24 credits (8 courses) allotted to core courses. The remaining 12 credits (4 courses) are for the Emphasis. For the Customized emphasis, students have nine topic areas – including Marketing Management – to choose from. (Dean’s approval is required). For non-business students, two specific finance/ accounting courses total six additional credits are required, making the total 42 credits. The core MBA program is available online; however, currently only the Accounting Emphasis is online. Sample courses: Legal Framework of Decisions; Human Resource Management; Integrated Marketing Communications; International Marketing Management; Contemporary Issues in Marketing Management; Independent Study; Marketing Research.
17: University of Saint Mary
University of Saint Mary is a established in 1923 and located in Leavenworth, Kansas. about 33 miles dog-leg west then north of Kansas City, MO. It was originally founded as Saint Mary College, a school for women.
USM offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across multiple departments: 30+ undergrad programs, eight grad programs, one doctoral program, and various online programs. For master’s level Marketing programs, USM offers: MBA with Marketing and Advertising Management Concentration (one of nine available). The MBA program requires 36 credits, with nine towards the concentration (available as a set of three courses that are only offered online). MBA classes sizes are 8-10 students. Evening classes meet on-campus once per week. The program is also available online. Sessions are 8 weeks long, and there are six start dates yearly. Typical duration: 12-24 months. Contact school about credit and course specifics. Sample courses: Marketing Management; Advanced Marketing Concepts; Buyer Behavior and Marketing Research; Advanced Marketing Strategy and Planning; The Advertising Industry in the 21st Century.
16: Texas A & M University-Commerce
Texas A&M University-Commerce (A&M-Commerce) is a public university established in 1889 as East Texas Normal College. It is part of the Texas A&M University System and is located in Commerce, Texas, about 65 miles northeast of Dallas, TX.
TAMUC offers degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across five colleges and schools: College of Business; College of Education and Human Services; College of Humanities, Social Sciences & Arts; College of Science and Engineering; School of Agriculture. Collectively, these divisions offer 100+ degrees at all levels, over 40 of which are at the graduate level. For master’s level Marketing programs, TAMUC offers: MS Marketing; MBA with Marketing Minor. The MS program requires 30-39 credits, with nine of credits for foundation courses for non-business students (possibly waived), 24 for core courses, and six for electives in Marketing. The MBA program requires 30-48 credits (if taking a minor). The state minor allows students to take at least four courses in Marketing. This option has at least the core courses available online. Check Web site or with school for availability of Minor courses online. Marketing Management; Marketing Environment; GLB/Marketing Management; Business to Business Marketing; Seminar in Marketing Research; GLB/International Marketing; Advertising and Promotion; Internet Marketing.
15: Anna Maria College
Anna Maria College is a private, nonprofit college established in 1946 and located in Paxton, Massachusetts. about 55 miles roughly west of Boston, MA. It was originally founded in Marlborough, MA, by the Sisters of Saint Anne.
AMC offers certificates and degrees (bachelor’s, master’s) seven schools and divisions. For master’s level Marketing programs, AMC offers: MBA with Marketing Concentration. This program requires 36 credits (12 courses) and an overall GPA of 3.0 including the Capstone project. Students with business-related work experience may be able to get a waiver for one course (3 credits). Required courses (8) make for 24 credits. The remaining 12 credits (4 courses) are applied towards electives/ concentrations. E.g. Marketing. For students without a business degree, there are five prerequisite courses (15 credits), for a total of 51 credits required. While AMC does offer an online MBA, the Marketing Concentration courses are not online (at time of writing). Marketing and Theory; Marketing Strategies; Marketing on the World Wide Web; Buyer Behavior; Marketing Communication; New Product Development; E-Commerce Strategies; Marketing Research; Social Media and Marketing.
14: University of Tampa
University of Tampa is a private, nonprofit university established in 1931 and located in Tampa, Florida. It was originally founded as Tampa Junior College.
UT offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s) across four colleges: College of Arts and Letters; Sykes College of Business; College of Natural and Health Sciences; College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education. For master’s level Marketing programs, UT offers: (1) MBA with Marketing Concentration; (2) MS Marketing (MS-MKT). The concentration option requires a total of 12 credits (three courses) Graduates of both programs are prepared for the industry Professional Certified Marketer(tm) exam administered by the AMA (American Marketing Association), and both can be taken either full- or part-time. The MBA program has a 4+1 BS/MBA option. Additionally, there is a dual master’s option that optionally includes both the MBA and MS-MKT programs. Courses are worth four credits each. Sample courses include: Business Research Methods; Integrated Marketing Communications; Sport Marketing; Electronic Marketing Strategy; Strategic Brand Management; Global Marketing; Buyer Behavior; Marketing on the Cutting Edge; Marketing Law..
13: Plymouth State University
Plymouth State University is a public university established in 1871 and located in Plymouth, New Hampshire, about 43 miles roughly north-northwest of Concord, NH. It was originally founded as Plymouth State College and is part of the University System of New Hampshire.
PSU offers certificates and degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across six colleges and divisions: College of Arts and Sciences; College of Business Administration; College of Education; Health, and Human Services; Graduate Studies; Online and Continuing Studies. Collectively, these divisions offer 55 majors and 60+ minors at all levels. For master’s level Marketing programs, PSU offers: MBA General Management with graduate certificate in Strategic Marketing Management (one of five focus areas). The MBA General Management program requires 30 credits, with 24 for core courses and six for electives. For the grad certificate, students can actually combine 12 certificate credits with 18 MBA credits, for a minimum 30-credit MBA. Or the certificate can be applied separately to the MBA if the student has other areas of interest. (Check with school for requirements.) The program can take as little as 12 months full-time. Marketing courses in the MBA core: Marketing Techniques. Courses in the grad certificate in Marketing: Multinational Marketing; Applications in Marketing Research; Social Media Marketing; Customer Relationship Management; Current Issues in Marketing; Seminar in Corporate Public Relations..
12: Concordia University-Wisconsin
Concordia University-Wisconsin is a private, nonprofit university established in 1881 and located in Mequon, Wisconsin, about 20 miles roughly north-northeast of Milwaukee, WI. It was originally founded as Concordia College Milwaukee and is part of the Concordia College System (CCS). Another member of the system, Concordia University-Ann Arbor (CUAA), is being merged with CUW. CUAA was originally in the candidates for this list at #22, and CUW at #23. CUAA is keeping its name but operating with CUW as one entity. See the CUAA site (http://www.cuaa.edu) for any programs offered there.
CUW offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – professional) across six schools: Arts and Sciences; Business Administration; Education; Health Professions; Nursing; Pharmacy. For master’s level Marketing programs, CUW offers: MBA with Marketing Concentration (one of 13 available); Grad certificate in Marketing. The MBA program consists of 39 credits, of which 15 credits is for the Marketing Concentration (same as for grad certificate in Marketing). Students can start either the MBA or the certificate at any time. The MBA Marketing program is also available online. For any of these options, students select five courses (3 credits each) from seven available marketing courses. Duration is about 26 months, and online courses run 8-10 weeks each. On-campus courses require one meeting per week for eight weeks. No GMAT or thesis is required. Strategic Marketing; Social Media Marketing Strategies ; Direct Marketing; Sales Management and Salesmanship; Advertising Management; Legal Aspects of Business; International Marketing.
11: Aquinas College
Aquinas College is a private, nonprofit college established in 1886 and located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, about 68 miles roughly west-northwest of Lansing, MI. It was originally founded as a Normal School for women by Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids, and is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.
Aquinas offers degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s) across nearly 60 departments and programs: 10 types of bachelor’s degrees, three associate’s, and five types of master’s.. For master’s level Marketing programs, Aquinas offers: Master in Management (MM) with Marketing Concentration (one of three available). The MM program requires completion of 39 credits (13 courses), with 27 allotted to CORE curriculum and 12 towards the concentration. The program can be completed in 18 months (full-time), and 24 months to include the Marketing concentration. Part-time option (up to seven years) exists. Integrated Marketing Communications; Global Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Marketing Strategy.
10: Drake University
Drake University is a private, nonprofit university established in 1881 and located in Des Moines, Iowa, about 193 miles roughly north-northeast of Kansas City, MO. It was originally affiliated with the Disciples of Christ but is nonsectarian.
Drake offers certificates and degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research, professional) across six colleges and schools: College of Arts and Sciences; College of Business and Public Administration; School of Education; School of Journalism and Mass Communication; Law School; College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Collectively, these divisions offer 70 and majors/ minors/ concentrations, and 20 graduate degrees (master’s, doctorate). For master’s level Marketing programs, Drake offers: MBA with Marketing Specialization (one of 10 available). The MBA program requires 39 total credits, with 21 applied to core courses, six to the Foundations of Decision Making courses, nine to the Marketing specialization, and three to professional development seminars. (Contact school for course specifics.) This is a hybrid program, with some courses on campus and others available online. Students in the MBA can be part of either of two dual-degree programs: Law and MBA; Pharmacy and MBA. .
9: Rivier University
Rivier University is a private, nonprofit university established in 1933 and located in Nashua, New Hampshire, about 45 miles roughly northwest of Boston, MA. It was originally founded as Rivier College, named after Catholic Sister Blessed Anne-Marie Rivier, of the Latin Rite branch.
Rivier offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across four divisions: Division of Arts and Sciences; Division of Business; Division of Education; Division of Nursing and Health Professions. Two schools encompass these divisions and their departments: Undergraduate and Professional Studies; Graduate Studies. For master’s level Marketing programs, Rivier offers: MBA with Marketing Concentration.. The program requires 36 total credits, with 27 credits (nine courses) allotted to core business administration courses and nine credits (three courses) for the Marketing concentration (one of three available). This is an online program. For the marketing concentration, nine credits are required, consisting of three courses: Digital Marketing and Analytics; Sales Management; Strategic Brand Management.
8: Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University is a for-profit university established in 1949 and located in Phoenix, Arizona, the capital of the state and part of the metropolitan area nicknamed the Valley of the Sun. It was originally founded by Arizona Southern Baptists as Grand Canyon College, a non-profit institution, but has been for-profit since Feb 2004.
GCU offers certificates and degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across nine colleges: College of Doctoral Studies; Colangelo College of Business; College of Education; College of Fine Arts and Production; College of Humanities and Social Sciences; College of Nursing and Health Care Professions; College of Science, Engineering and Technology; College of Theology; Honors College. For master’s level Marketing programs, GCU offers: MBA with Emphasis in Marketing. This 54-credit program combines courses in accounting, finance, management, business statistics, economics and marketing. Most of the grad courses are worth four credits each and are approximately 8 weeks in length. Total number of courses is 14, including a 2-credit “Intro to Grad Studies in the College of Business” course. Some of the core MBA courses may be available online. Sample courses: Marketing Management; Managerial Accounting; Operations Management; Managerial Finance; Strategic Management; Services Marketing; International Marketing.
7: Saint Leo University
Saint Leo University is a private, nonprofit university established in 1889 and located in Saint Leo, Florida, about 34 miles roughly north-northeast of Tampa, FL. It was founded as a Catholic college (the first in Florida) by Benedictine monks and named after Pope Leo the Great, later recognized as a saint.
SLU offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across three schools: School of Arts and Sciences; School of Business; School of Education & Social Services. For master’s level Marketing programs, SLU offers: MBA Marketing; MBA Marketing Research and Social Media Analytics (MRSMA); grad certificate in Marketing; grad certificate in Marketing Research and Social Media Analytics (MRSMA). The MBA Marketing program is 36 credits, with 21 for business core courses and 15 for Marketing courses. There is an additional 3-credit Internship course. Similarly, the MBA MRSMA program is also 36 credits, with 15 for the concentration as well. The certificates cover similar topics and can be taken separately with other eligible degrees. All four programs are online only. The MBA programs can be completed in as little as one year. Students who already have a graduate degree and complete either certificate will receive 18 credit hours, which makes them eligible to teach topics covered in that certificate. Sample topics covered: Gamification Applications in Marketing; Marketing Research; Social Media Marketing; E-marketing; Global Marketing; Marketing Innovations; Sales Management; Advertising and Promotion. Web Analytics; Data Mining.
6: University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth is a public university established in 1895 and located in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, about 31 miles roughly southeast of Providence, RI. It has roots to the 1895 founding of two textile schools, in New Bedford and Fall River, MA, which were later combined into one school that eventually became UMD.
UMD offers certificates and degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research, professional) across seven colleges and schools: Charlton College of Business; College of Arts and Sciences; College of Engineering; College of Nursing; College of Visual and Performing Arts; School of Law; School for Marine Science and Technology. Collectively, they offer 59 majors and 55 minors for undergrads, and more than three dozen graduate-level programs (degrees and certificates).. For master’s level Marketing programs, UMD offers: MBA with Marketing Option (one of 11 available, including Individualized Option). The UMD MBA requires a total 30 credits (plus foundation courses), with 21 credits (seven courses) for core curriculum and nine credits (three courses) for business electives, including specializations such as the Marketing option. Non-business majors may also be required to take some foundation courses (three courses = nine credits). For the online MBA option, these courses are in the form of UMD’s Business Foundations certificate program (four courses). A GPA score of 3.50 or higher in this certificate is required in order to gain a GMAT waiver. The MBA program is available online. Check site for differences in requirements between the online and traditional MBA programs, as well as availability of specialization options. Duration for the online MBA is five consecutive semesters (two courses per), plus time for any foundation courses. However, some students can complete the program in less time. Sample marketing courses: Marketing Strategy; eCommerce and Digital Marketing; Marketing Research; International Business and Multinational Enterprises.
5: Wilmington University
Wilmington University (aka WilmU) is a private university established in 1968 and located in New Castle, Delaware, about six miles roughly southwest of Wilmington, DE, and about 38 miles roughly southwest of Philadelphia, PA. The university has several campuses/learning centers in Delaware, and locations Maryland and New Jersey as well.
WilmU offers degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across seven academic colleges: Arts and Sciences; Business; Education; Health Professions; Online and Experiential Learning; Social and Behavioral Sciences; Technology. Collectively, they offer over 90 online options (degrees, concentrations, certificates), 26 bachelor’s and three associate’s programs, 20 master’s programs plus concentrations, and three doctoral programs.. For master’s level Marketing programs, WilmU offers: MBA with Marketing Management Concentration (one of eight available); Management Master of Science (MSM) with Concentration in Marketing. The MBA program requires 36 total credits, with 21 for core requirements and 15 for the concentration in Marketing Management. That is, seven core courses, three concentration courses, and two concentration electives. The majority of courses for the MBA program and Marketing concentration are available online. The exception is one of the concentration electives, Salesmanship and Sales For Management. The MSM with Marketing Concentration is also 36 credits in total, with 18 credits (six courses) for the core, 12 credits (four courses) for the concentration, and six credits (two courses) for electives. The MSM is available online. Sample courses for both programs: Global Marketing Management; Online Market Research and Consumer Behavior; Business-to-Business and Business-to-Government Marketing; Integrated Marketing Communications.
4: Post University
Post University is a for-profit university established in 1890 and located in Waterbury, Connecticut, about 30 miles roughly southwest of Hartford, CT. It was originally founded as Post College.
Post offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s) across three schools: School of Arts and Sciences; Malcolm Baldrige School of Business; John P. Burker School of Public Service and Education. For master’s level Marketing programs, Post offers: (1) Online MBA with Marketing or Multidisciplinary Concentrations (two of seven available); (2) online graduate certificate in Marketing. The MBA program consists of 45 credits, with nine credits for foundation courses, 18 credits for core courses, 12 credits for concentration courses, six credits for two Capstone course/projects and 0 credits for an MBA Prep Course. (Most courses are three credits each.) For the Multidisciplinary concentration, students take four 600-level courses from any of the available MBA concentrations. So Marketing could be combined with, e.g., Entrepreneurship. The grad certificate is 12 credits and covers the same curriculum as the Marketing Concentration. Note: all graduate programs are either evening and weekend (on-campus) or online. Sample marketing courses: New Product Development; Matching Value Propositions to Buyers; Integrated Marketing for Managers; Driving Growth Through Customer Relationship Management..
3: Columbia Southern University
Columbia Southern University (CSU) is a private university established in 1993 and located in Orange Beach, Alabama, about 54 miles east and south of Mobile, AL, and about 27 miles roughly southwest of Pensacola, FL. It has affiliated colleges in Iowa and Vietnam and specializes in distance and online academic programs.
CSU offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s) across four colleges and divisions: College of Arts and Sciences; College of Business; College of Safety and Emergency Services; General Education. For master’s level Marketing programs, CSU offers: MBA with Concentration in Marketing; graduate certificate in Marketing. The MBA program has a requirement of 36 credits, of which 24 credits are for core courses (eight) and 12 credits (four courses) are for the Marketing Concentration. The program is entirely online, like the rest of the CSU programs. The grad Marketing certificate consists of the same four courses offered by the Marketing Concentration and is also online. Sample marketing courses: Advanced Marketing; Business-to-Business Marketing; Marketing Research; New Product Marketing; Strategic Marketing.
2: West Texas A & M University
West Texas A & M University is a public university established in 1910 and located in Canyon, Texas, about 19 miles roughly south-southwest of Amarillo, TX. It was originally founded as West Texas State Normal College. Notable faculty includes American artist Georgia O’Keefe, who was head of the Art department from 1916-1918.
WTAMU offers degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research) across seven colleges and schools: College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences; College of Business; College of Education and Social Sciences; College of Nursing and Health Sciences; Graduate School; School of Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics; Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities. For master’s level Marketing programs, WTAMU offers: MBA with Marketing Emphasis (one of four available). The program requires between 31-49 credit hours, with nine credits for foundation courses; 28 for MBA core courses; and 3-9 credits for Emphasis Areas. The Marketing Emphasis requires nine credits in graduate level marketing courses. Eligible students must have an undergrad GPA of 3.0 or higher and can request a waiver of the GMAT exam. The program can be completed in as little as one year, though is designed as a two-year program. Courses are offered on campus in Canyon, TX, and also mostly at night at the Amarillo campus. The entire program is available online. Sample courses: International Marketing; Marketing in the Age of Social Networks; Principles of Advertising; Retail Marketing; Sales Management; Seminar in Evolutionary Marketing; Seminar in International Business and Marketing Strategy; Seminar in Marketing; Seminar in Marketing Strategy.
1: Regent University
Regent University is a private, non-profit, Christian research university that was established in 1977 as CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) University. Regent is located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, about 100 miles southeast of Richmond, VA, and around 185 miles northeast of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Regent offers certificates and degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate – research, professional) across the College of Arts and Sciences and seven graduate schools. Collectively, they offer over 95 accredited areas of study at all levels. For master’s level Marketing programs, Regent offers: MBA with Marketing Concentration (one of 17 options). The MBA program consists of 42 credits, 30 of which are core courses that cover topics such as information research, ethics, economics, management, accounting, finance, supply chain, and business planning and launch. The remaining 12 credits are allotted for the concentration — in this case Marketing. US News ranked the MBA program in their 2016 Top 5 Online MBA Programs in Virginia. Minimum duration to complete the MBA is 16 months, and courses are 8 weeks each. There are six start dates per year and students can study full- or part-time. Courses are available online and most of 17 Concentrations require no on-campus presence (check site for details). No GMAT is required for admission. The Marketing Concentration requires 15 credits and consists of five courses: Advertising and Promotion; Consumer Behavior -The Psychology of Marketing; Public Relations, Media Management, and Crisis Communications; Viral Marketing; Contemporary Issues in Marketing.
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